Designing Choicemaking a smarter living online

Designing Choice Shop

Digital products to help you work smart and not hard

Okay, so we all have to earn a living. Websites cost money to run, time to promote, and hey, we've got bills to pay. So while we do offfer loads of free good information, (like the free downloads further down this page), we have to sell some products as well - BUT, we want you to feel that you are getting a good deal, so you'll never ask for more than £5 - the cost of a couple of coffees.


One Page Marketing Cheat Sheets

One Page Marketing Cheat Sheets

Eight PDFs to print out to fix to your wall (or pin to your desktop), to remind you how to be more effective, and make the most of the customers you have, and bring in new fresh customers to build your business up faster ...

Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen

Multiple Streams of Income by Robert Allen

Robert Allen, Multiple Streams of Income. Robert Allen teaches you how to achieve financial freedom using three wealth creation techniques, investing, real estate, and marketing ...

Magnetic Salesletters by Michael Kimble

Magnetic Salesletters by Michael Kimble

Learn copywriting from proven salesletter examples, MAGNETIC SALESLETTERS, the Ultimate Collection of Winning Ads and Salesletters by Michael Kimble. Take from some of the top copywriters for your own salesletters and website copy to boost your response and sales rates. ...

301 Direct Mail Tips by Bill Myers

301 Direct mail Tips by Bill Myers

Did you know that even today, direct mail gets more responses than email marketing? Forbes magazine reported that the US Direct Marketers Association found that direct mail response rates are actually anywhere from 10 to 30 times higher than that of digital response rates ...


Free Downloads

Scientific Advertising by Claude C Hopkins
One of the classics of the advertising arts first published in 1923. Is your advertising working for you? Is it costing you too much? Is it turning prospects away? Much "modern" advertising techniques and strategies haven't changed - Just been made more complicated! Very good read.
Download here: Scientific Advertising by Claude C Hopkins

The Magic Story by Frederick van Rensselaer Dey
This book created a sensation when first published way back in 1900 in 'Success Magazine'. A story that some might not be at the right time in their lives for; or others a source of inspiration and motivation.
Download here: The Magic Story by Frederick van Rensselaer Dey