Designing Choicemaking a smarter living online
Some of the best advice I've ever been given is to 'get out of business opportunities'.
You know what I mean - promoting someone else's business as an affiliate, rather than a real product.
I'm still promote affiliations, only because in my opinion they're still worthy, and in demand.
Most of my income is made now from promoting my own products online and offline, plus a small amount of work promoting other people's websites (when I have the time).
Like you, I get loads of emails every day promoting this, that and the other. Most get sent straight to the spam folder, some make it to my inbox ... a few actually get read!
Health information is one of the biggest interests on the net
Everybody at some time in their lives is concerned about their health. The media loves to feature scare stories nearly every day, about not eating this, exercising that way, or the the latest research. Personally I think it's making us all a bit too paranoid ...
... Use PLR Health products to promote an existing business or start a new one.
But still, health information sells. And it sells in different ways. You can use it to attract traffic to your website (if you're selling a health product), you can create products around it, you can use it to add value to existing products.
The challenge many people face is:
Time. Just not enough of it to research, write and put together information products.
Confidence. "Hey, who's going to take what I write seriously?"
Money. Time is money. The time to research, write and put together new products is sometime simply out of reach. So we get ghost writers (I do for some other sites of mine). Easier, but costs money.
Ready to package products -
Your Product Name, Your Price, Your Deal
All the long-term internet marketers agree that one of the best ways to make a living from the net is to have your own product.
Unless you can create loads of traffic, earning a good living from affiliate programs takes a lot of hard work - and time.
Having your own product isn't any kind of guarantee of success, but at least you're getting 100% of the profit.
PLR - Private Label Rights
What does "private label" mean? ...That's the really exciting part: It means you can take these products and rename them, insert your own affiliate links if you want to, modify them, extract articles from them for your newsletter, website, create an ebook to give away as a bonus or sell - in fact anything ... they're yours.
You also get accompanying ready-made sales letters for each private label product.
Do you already sell health related products?
Do you run a health related website?
Well use the products as teasers, bonuses, articles, or even sell them.
You know that search engines love real content. Fresh content every month Will make a difference to your site.
The health and fitness niche is responsible for Billions of Pounds/Dollars in sales each year, and this is one of the easiest ways to cash in on this vast and growing market.
You can use PLR products and content to:
Create and publish your own profitable newsletter (one of the best ways to create a 'ready to buy' audience.
Create a content rich website populated with profitable affiliate links
Generate *unlimited traffic* with keyword rich articles and content
Create your OWN products (you can even name them!) in minutes instead of months!
And WAY more than I'm able to list here.
There are several companies that offer PLR products. Simply search for "PLR Products" on your favourite search engine, at ridiculously low prices.
The main issue though is finding good content. The best companies offer samples online or to download for you to check. To be quite honest, many offerings will need some kind of simple re-write. But what with Microsoft Word to do spell and grammar checks, a few minutes and you've re-written an article in to natural sounding English.
With the ease of getting cheap domain names and hosting - website templates, cheaper website design companies ... getting your own website up and selling is so much easier today than when I started years ago.
With new content being produced continually, once you've pinpointed the companies that are offering decent content at the right price, you can put together unique packages of articles, creating one-off ebooks, to promote your existing business, or start a new business.
Once you are bringing in some profits, you can then look at the next stage, which is have content written for you. A good place to start is Fiverr (A*),where you can hire expert writers at very reasonable rates.
Best of health and wealth
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